Articles on: SchoolSite

Updating KAMAR Directory Services

As you upgrade to the New Look KAMAR or have already upgraded, you may face issues with any of your Directory Services.

KAMAR are increasing the security around how they push data to 3rd-party services like ours - which is good.
This means that we need you to check and update the settings you have entered.

Please check the following area in KAMAR:

Find your SchoolPoint sync and check the following details:

Port: 443
Timeout: 120 (Larger schools, please use 240 seconds)
Username: (Your School MOE Number)
Password: existing password (this does not need to change)
Once you have entered your School MoE Number for the Username, please click CHECK AND ENABLE and wait for the OK READY response popup from KAMAR.

This help article and video explains the full setup excluding the MoE Number for the username -

If you have any questions or don't receive the OK message, please contact us and we will help you get set up and running. (Please note: these settings are the same regardless of which Inbox Design service you use).

Updated on: 12/09/2023

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