Articles on: SchoolPoint

Staff Code Changes- Staff can't log in

If your staff have changed their original codes in KAMAR for whatever reason, they may now have trouble logging into SchoolPoint or SchoolBridge. This is because all the information and data such as timetable info, is attached to the code in KAMAR. Just by changing the staff's code in KAMAR it will not change the code in SchoolPoint or SchoolBridge when a sync is run.

If any of your staff, particularly new staff cannot log in, you can generally tell it is a code issue by the following:

You know they are using a staff code which has been PREVIOUSLY used by another staff member, or
You know the staff member has recently had a code change due to marriage etc, or
You search up the staff member in SchoolPoint via Users > Staff Users, and see the same staff member has 2 different codes, and occasionally 2 different email addresses.

The process to correct this as an admin user is as follows:

Search the Staff member up under Users > KAMAR Staff Sync > Manage

Search for the staff member with the incorrect code

Click on "change Code"

Click Change Code

Enter the new code on the right and click "change code" here

Enter New Code

You will then receive an email the the new code confirmation. These emails run around 8 minutes past the hour every hour so it may take some time to be received. You will see "Pending Change: " next to the old staff code.

Email confirmation of staff code change

Once you have received the email, you can go into KAMAR > Setup > Server > Directory Services and run a full sync
This may take around 15 minutes but then when you refresh SchoolPoint, the staff code should be correctly updated. Check the "Staff Users" list in SchoolPoint and you can then manually edit the code to the correct one in this list if it hasn't updated. It will autoupdate under KAMAR Staff Sync with the sync.

See the help guide for other reasons why staff may not be able to log in HERE.

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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