Articles on: SchoolPoint

Setting up SchoolPoint Course/ Subject Selection and Preparation for Go-Live - NEW User guide

We have created this guide mostly for new/ first time Full Administrators of SchoolPoint. If you still have any questions, please reach out in our live chat.

For previous users, visit the help guide HERE for a shorter summary.

Navigate to Settings > General Settings. Adjust and check you are happy with all general settings. Select NO to “Allow browsing learning areas and courses without logging in” (while set up is in progress).

Set up User Permission Groups if you haven’t already, so you can define groups like "All staff”, “Administrators”, “Heads of Department” etc. You can then refine the permissions within these groups to allow editing/ view only etc. These can be adjusted or changed anytime.
Users > Permission Groups then > Add Permission Group
Staff Users > Search > Allocate Permissions

Navigate to Settings > Course Selection Settings. Choose the timetable for the year students are picking for and make sure you are happy with all the other settings. You can adjust these settings later as required or needed.

Navigate to Settings > Enable/ Disable Course Selection. Add in the required amount of courses for each year level to select- by year level.
Note: These also include the compulsory/ required courses. Choose how many back ups for each year level also, if your school allows.

Here you can also select if you want each year level to choose their “Next year's intentions” when they first log in before selecting courses.
Note: Ensure each year level is set to “NO- Selections cannot be adjusted” so students cannot log in and choose courses before the set up is finalized.

Customise all messages and labels in Settings > Customisable Messages then Settings > Customisable Labels, to reflect the wording your school uses e.g Learning Areas/ Learning Departments/ Faculties etc.

Navigate to Learning Areas > + Create new Learning Area (/ Faculties) here. Customize the look with descriptions and images if wanted. You can also add You Tube videos and add Pathways Tags for connected jobs.

Add RULES on your Learning Areas (/Faculties). Learning Areas > Edit Learning Area > Rules. These are fundamental to getting the students to pick the right number of courses in the correct Learning Area. Change these by year level under Learning Areas > Edit > Rules. You can then see at a glance on the “Manage Learning Areas" Screen, the minimum and maximum courses available for the year level to be able to select.

Navigate to Courses- > +Create New Courses (/Subjects) here. You can also bulk import via Settings > Course Import (From KAMAR SMS if your school uses KAMAR). This is only recommended to be done ONCE. Once the courses (/subjects) are there, add and edit in the Courses > Edit Courses area.
Add the course (/Subject) code that will go back to KAMAR, the name in full, course year level, and Learning Area(s) that it will fall under.

Edit each Course (/Subject) in detail to add in the year levels of who can select it, how they are selectable e.g as core or back up, how many lines it will take up, as well as important requirements for the course itself. It is essential to set up the requirements correctly before students select. These include- possibly making the course required for an entire year level, and exclusions.
The ”data input completion” field is for you to change depending on the state of readiness of each course. The percentage status is customizable. You do not need to use this but it is helpful to advise when a course might be ready for HoDs to check over for example.
If your school using timetabling lines, you can set these up also within the course edit.
When editing each course, you can also set up a pathway to show what is next for students, and also add the detailed course description and recommended prior learning. Connected jobs in also a great feature to utilize and you can add credits also in the assessment details of each course at the bottom, and you can even add You Tube clips here.

Once you are happy with all your learning areas and courses (/Faculties and /Subjects), and they are set up correctly and 100% complete, you need to check you have the menu items you want, displaying to students/ caregivers down the left menu of SchoolPoint.
Go to Settings > Student Menu Settings. Tick the menu items you want to show per year level. These names are also customizable.

You may choose to turn off the ability for HoDs etc to further edit courses/ learning areas (just change to view only) via their permission group, if you don’t want any more changes to occur. Users > Permission Groups.

Ensure you Student Dashboards (via default SchoolBridge Log in) have the correct icons on them to allow for students to access SchoolPoint Course Selection. > Sign in as staff admin > Manage Dashboard > Edit Student View > +Add icons from the drop down and name the icon to suit your school. You can ensure the caregiver dashboard displays the info you want also.

To test, enable course selection for one year level. Log in as a student in that year level. (This is useful if staff have a student at the school). Ensure they can see the compulsory/ required subjects and also the correct amount to select from by way of core and/ or back ups. You can log in as a student to see what they see HERE.
Settings > Enable/ Disable Course Selection (check all year levels).

Disable that year level until you are ready to open at go-live in the same area.

Navigate to Settings > Administration. Clear out any test data for the current year.

Navigate back to Settings > General Settings > Ensure “allow Students/ Caregivers to login” is checked and then choose if you want them to also "Allow browsing learning areas and courses WITHOUT logging in” (public view).

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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