Articles on: SchoolBridge

📺 Log in/ Sign in to the SchoolBridge Mobile App

Signing into the SchoolBridge app is easy and you only have to do it once to save your account.

Install the app on your device by searching the app/play store for "SchoolBridge" or CLICK HERE

Once you have the app installed, tap the SchoolBridge icon from your home screen from, tap SIGN IN and then choose your account type.

Student & Staff Sign In

Use either Google or Microsoft sign in depending on which service your school uses.

Caregiver Sign In

Caregivers with a Facebook, Google or Microsoft account can use one of these options to sign in. Your account email address must be the same email address you have registered with the school.

Caregiver Sign In With Magic Code Email

Caregivers without a Facebook, Google or Microsoft account can can also request a Magic Sign in Email sign in to the app

To receive a magic sign in code, enter your school registered email address and tap the send button.

Check email for the sign in code

Return to the app Enter the sign in code and tap SIGN IN


Once you sign in, your device will ask if you want to receive notifications. Make sure that you allow this so you receive important alerts and announcements from your school.

Adding Additional Accounts to the App

To make switching between accounts easy, Caregivers who have multiple students can add additional accounts, even if your children attend different schools.

To add another account, tap your user icon in the upper right hand corner and tap + Add New Login

Sign in as you did before and then choose the profile of the student account you want to add.

You can switch between accounts by tapping the user icon in the upper right corner and selecting the account you want to switch to.

Adding a PIN Code

You can set a pin code to prevent others from using your mobile device to access your account.

To set a pin code, tap the More… option in the bottom menu and tap Set PIN

Enter and verify your PIN code and tap finish

How to Sign Out of the App

If your app is not connecting properly, sometimes it can help to sign out and back in.

To sign out of the app tap the More… option in the bottom menu bar and then tap Sign Out

Signing out will remove the account and then you can add your account again to sign back in.

Click the 'More.." option in he bottom menu to sign out of the app

PLEASE NOTE: You must have the same email registered at each school if you have children at multiple or the same school, in order to receive the Magic Link and Code for each student.

Updated on: 06/05/2024

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