Articles on: SchoolPoint

Create / Edit / View Courses- All About this Area

Steps: Settings > Labels > Customise your course name into your "school Speak" courses/ subjects/ options etc
Courses > New Course.

This help guide details the Courses area of SchoolPoint and what each menu item means are what you can do.

NOTE: You need to have the correct create/ edit course permissions to be able to modify/ create courses. If you cannot see all the menu items mentioned below, it means you will not have all the permissions to edit these areas of SchoolPoint. Check these here

Create a New Course

Enter the code for your course- 4 numbers/ letters are best.
Name your course
Course Year Lebel in this part means the year level the course is aimed at. (This is required for our SchoolPoint "Sites" paid optional extra)
Learning Area(s) are the learning areas that the course will fall under (can be multiple)

Then "create New course" which effectively saves the course.

Editing / setting up your new course

Within your course, you can do several things including setting up prerequisites and making some courses compulsory/ required.

Data input completion- is to indicate the completion level of that course- it is good to set each one to different percentages depending on the level of readiness of the course. This can also be changed in BULK via Courses > Bulk Course EDIT

Note that the "Primary learning area" is just used on the SchoolPoint "Sites" paid optional extra, whereas the 'Learning Areas" section is choosable for course selection and you can enter multiple if that course falls under more than one.

Teacher in Charge - The is important to use if you allow teachers in charge to edit their own courses which is a setting in the Settings > Staff Settings. They will then also receive exemption requests notifications. If you also have the Daily Summary Email option turned on, they will get notifications of course changes from students each time. Settings > Course Selection > Staff Settings

Staff Settings for Teachers in Charge Edit courses/ receive daily emails

Choose which CURRENT year level the course is selectable by.
Choose if the course can be selected as core/ option/ back up only / exemption only.

Choose your option lines and how many each course takes up.

Requirements/ Restrictions and Compulsory Courses

If you want a course to be compulsory/ required for a whole year level, you must set it up here BEFORE your students log in to pick else it will not fill their course spaces retrospectively.
By making it compulsory for a whole year level, it will be already Locked into their course selection lists when they first log in.
If you must make it a course compulsory for a whole year level after they have logged in, you can go to Settings > Administration and clear out the already picked selections in order for them to log back in to see it is compulsory and added in. Please chat to our team before choosing this option!

If you are setting rules on a course such as "if you pick this course, then you cannot pick that course" bear in mind, they can STILL choose the course with the rules as a BACKUP. In this case if you don't want to allow this, then within the course you need to select "Core/Option Only" as the 'selectable by'.

Within a course, you can choose which TT lines in KAMAR the course will fit into.


If you school uses timetabling, set up the course lines in the course. See our further help guide on Timetabling- all about it.

Add contributions and stationary costs if applicable. You can customise this wording and also chose to hide or display that info on the student selections.
You can also add descriptions and details within the course, including links to videos and credit information standards.
If you wish, you can search connected jobs which import from website.

List Course Details - An Overview
From the main screen, you can peruse all your courses in a list to check all your restrictions are how you want them, and the correct year levels can select the correct courses.

List Course Details- Overview

If you have the correct permissions, you can click the "edit" button to the right of the course (when editing is allowed) and choose different options for the course. This includes preview as a student and also archive/ inactivate the course if you don't need it to display for that year. If you do inactivate by accident, it can be reinstated under "Archived Courses".

Edit/ Archive/ Inactivate the course

Bulk Archive/ other actions in bulk

Exemptions from courses are covered in detail HERE

My Courses
This will show to staff who only have the permission to see/ or edit their own courses attached to their own learning areas they are in charge of. You can give this permission and assign them to a Learning Area under Users > Search staff > Allocate permission group and Learning Area.

Course Explorer

Search and export a list of students who are in a specific course/ year level/ or what they have selected.

Course IFTTT (If This, Then That)
Create an automation for when a student selects a particular course, it may start an additional Form to complete (if your school has SchoolBridge) or send an email to a specific teacher etc.

Course IFTTT

Bulk Course Edit
This page is great for checking over all your courses and ensuring they are all ready to go and displaying to the right year levels etc. Here you can bulk change the percentage of readiness anytime also. Note: please save each page as you go!

Bulk Course Learning Areas
Here you can assign or reassign your courses to Leaning Areas quickly and easily.

Bulk Job Connection
Just like with bulk Learning Areas, you can assign jobs in bulk to each course here simply and quickly.

Favourite Courses
You may have access to see how many students have "favourited" a courses.

Course Lines/ Timetabling
At a glance you can see which lines you have placed your courses in. The line addition is done within the course itself.

Manage Course Skills
Here you can add skills to then select form within courses if you wish to.

Course Sync

By clicking "Sync Selections to KAMAR" it will take you to the screen you need to use to sync all selections back to KAMAR at the end of Course Selection. Please note that this syncing process is not going to be possible once your school upgrades to the new KAMAR Portal (required in 2024). See more info regarding this area HERE.

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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