Articles on: SchoolPoint

Action Logs in SchoolPoint - Checking who has done what, where!

As an administrator, it is often useful to see who has made changes and where. Accountability is important in your team, and also to track changes made and when.
There are several Action Logs, and email logs to be able to check changes and when they were made. These changes include changes made by staff, students and caregivers and are found in many different areas in SchoolPoint.

The main Action Log is found under USERS > ACTION LOGS.
This will advise of changes to things such as conferences, courses- whether made active or inactive, caregivers approving/ student completing courses, and leaving destination updates on behalf of students. Note the ones that are flagged, are "destructive" indications such as deleting something.

Users > Action Log

You can find action logs / recent edits under each course also. This will show who has modified the course and when (no detail).
Courses => List Course Details => View/ Edit course => Scroll to bottom of course.

Recent Edits/ Action logs within course

Action Logs via student- here you can view changes students/ caregivers have made such as adding/ deleting courses, favouriting courses and approving courses. Also when they have marked selections as complete.
Search Student > History Tab

Student History Log

Within SchoolPoint Conferences, there is an Email Log. This is useful when checking that emails have gone out to caregivers when they have booked a conference, changed their time, or cancelled their conferences. You can click on the "recipient" button and it will expand the email to show you the contact within. It also shows the status to the right (for any instances if a caregiver advises they never received it for example).

Conferences > Manage Conference > Email Log

Conferences - Email Log-

Conferences- Email Log- details

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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