Articles on: SchoolSite Paid Extras

Community Education Site Extra

This is an extra feature, please contact Inbox Design for more information and costings.**

Create a Course

Community Education > Courses > Create New Course

Create New Course

To Preview course details, Click drop down arrow on the right side of the course under Actions. Also, can click the button under “Preview”, “Make Inactive” if this course is no longer offered. This inactive section is still accessible in future, and you can reactivate from here.

Preview/ Duplicate/ Make Active/ Inactive/ Delete Permanently

Create a new student

Community Education > Students > “Create New Student” > Complete all fields required* > SAVE.
(Same process for Manage Community Education Tutors). Once accepted- email is sent to Student and Admin.

Enrol Student to course via Admin

Select Student > “Edit” > “Enrol To Course” > Select Course name from drop down menu arrow under Course > choose “Status” (If confirmed- proceed) > “Payment Type”> “Payment Status” > Add any extra notes if appropriate > SAVE. Email also sent accordingly.

Manage Community Education Bookings/ Courses

Community Education > Bookings, shows list of students and the courses offered.
Community Education > Courses, shows Course Titles, Status- if active or inactive, number of students attending out of a set allocation, who modified the course last, and allows for editing/ previewing and inactivating the courses.

Community Education > Tutors

Lists the course tutors and can edit details about them, and can also make inactive.

Community Education > Students

Can Edit details/ Enrol to courses and also make inactive/ active depending on the status.

Community Education > Settings

General settings for Contacts/ Categories/ Images/ Refund Policy Guidelines/ Messages.

Updated on: 20/06/2024

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